The Planning Commission will be considering granting a permit for developers to build a big hotel and condo complex at the base of the spit. Check out the proposal and make your voice heard.
The judge ruled that the Alaska Department of Fish & Game exceeded its statutory authority when it reversed the regulation banning jet skis in the Kachemak Bay and Fox River Flats Critical Habitat Areas.
We have a huge opportunity to improve gravel pit extraction on the Kenai Peninsula, supporting clean water, healthy salmon habitat, and biodiversity. Please voice your support for Ordinance 2022-36 and smart gravel extraction at the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly meeting on Tuesday, September 19, at 6:00 PM at Homer City Hall.
The Army Corps of Engineers is working with the City of Homer to begin a 3-year investigation into the potential costs and benefits of expanding the Homer Harbor to accommodate more large vessels. The Corps and City are looking for public input on what kind of expansion—or not—people want to see.
Protect sea ducks, ptarmigan, and beaver on the Kenai Peninsula! Support setbacks for trapping around popular Homer trails!
Falling asleep to the fairy tail of infinite growth
The much awaited final draft of the Kachemak Bay State Park Management Plan is finally out. See what's inside.
Snomads Inc. intends to undertake rehabilitation, maintenance, marking and grooming of the degraded Caribou Lake Trail. They hope that this will allow the peatlands that people have been riding on (instead of the bad trail) to recover. Write in your support for this project to help them secure grant funding!
Kachemak Bay Conservation Soceity, Kachemak Heritage Land Trust, Cook Inletkeeper, and Kenai Watershed Forum work to protect baby salmon.
HB 82/ SB 62 propose to allow lateral drilling and fracking under the Kachemak Bay Critical Habitat Area--lands and waters that are protected by statute "to protect and preserve habitat areas especially crucial to the perpetuation of fish and wildlife, and to restrict all other uses not compatible with that primary purpose."
Introduced by Representative Sarah Vance during the last legislative session, House Bill 52 (HB 52) removes Tutka Bay Lagoon and uplands–totaling 123.45 acres–from the heart of Kachemak Bay State Park.
Testing for heat stress in Ninilchik River Chinook
ADF&G Ignored Facts & Law, Catered to Special Interest Groups, with New Jet Ski Rule
It is up to us to conserve the critical habitat in the center of our city.
DNR is proposing lateral drilling into the Critical Habitat Area from platforms near Anchor Point.
This common sense ordinance would limit potential conflicts between uses of the coastal waters of Homer, eliminate adverse impacts to the diverse and abundant species found in Kachemak Bay, and to promote overall public safety. Please call your city council members and the city manager to urge them to pass this ordinance today.
January 22 is the deadline to submit comments on the new K-Bay State Park Management Plan. This plan will be in effect for the next 20 years.
They Do More Harm Than Boats
Offshore Oil and Gas Leasing in Lower Cook Inlet is back on the table. BOEM needs to protect the communities, ecosystems, economies and endangered species of the Cook Inlet Region.
Critical Habitat Area Law | Agencies Regulations Need to be Based in Fact | Fair Means All Users
How are Alaska's hatchery operations effecting our wild salmon? How good a job is Alaska doing at monitoring these impacts? What policies are appropriate when we have limited data? Can we afford not to know what’s going on in our fisheries?
HEA decided this summer to build a giant 93 megawatt hour battery on our grid--which will allow us to integrate significant renewable energy. Now, the Cook Inlet Natural Gas Storage Association is complaining to the Regulatory Commission and trying to stop it. Comment by May 21.
Join monthly community meetings to develop meaningful local responses to climate change.
The Conservation Society urges the Kenai Peninsula Borough to form a Climate Action Committee, create a Renewable Energy Strategy and join Juneau and Anchorage in their commitments to cut CO2 emissions.
Learn more details about impacts to the Kenai Peninsula and the major holes in Pebble's Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Write an informed comment to the Army Corps of Engineers by June 29.
What’s going on? Every 20 years or so, the Kachemak Bay State Park management plan is updated with new rules about what is allowed in the park. A public review draft of a new plan was just released, and we have to make sure the park rules protect the things we value.
In 1968, a massive landslide slid into Grewingk Glacier Lake and created a 300-foot high wave. Geologists believe the area could see another similar event in the same area.
KBCS' comments to DNR Re: Preliminary Decision for Lease Amendment ADL 227591
KBCS' to BLM regarding Scoping of Proposed Alaska Industrial and Development Export (AIDEA) Ambler Road Project
KBCS' comments to ADEC Regarding: Aquaculture Facilities in Alaska General Permit, Permit No. AKG130000
KBCS' comments to ADEC Re: Waste Management Permit for Donlin Gold, LLC – Draft 2017DB0001
Alaska Senator Tom Begich gave a powerful speech on the floor of the Alaska Senate titled, The Future, The Past, and Whale Oil.
You can write to your state and federal representatives in support or favor of laws: these comments don’t need to get into the nitty gritty to have an impact. Overwhelming numbers in opposition to a project can sway a rep.
The Pebble Mine is a welfare queen, unable to support itself. The Pebble Mine will gobble taxpayer handouts faster and more voraciously than tens of thousands of food stamp recipients or tens of thousands of Medicaid beneficiaries. Ambler Mine and the Donlin Gold Mine are the same.