Join us for our third annual community science sea duck survey! Kachemak Bay in the early spring is so beautiful. Come out and enjoy it with us and celebrate these wonderful creatures.
The primary objective of our volunteer-powered survey is to gather enough consistent observation of overwintering sea ducks on the south side of Kachemak Bay to give us population trend lines, or indices. While this objective takes years to achieve, our survey is already starting to be meaningful.
A population index is an important tool to assure population health. While a negative trend may be due to more than hunting pressure, hunting regulations and habitat protections should respond to population declines. While ADF&G managers argue that Pacific Flyway counts are the best way to manage K-Bay sea ducks, we believe local survey are useful because:
If you're interested in joining, please give us a heads up, so we can assign you to a boat and survey team.
Homer Harbor Boat Launch